Most Serious Injuries

Some accidents can cause extremely serious injuries and have a lasting impact on both the injured person and their family.  This may be a head/brain injury, a spinal cord injury, amputation or extensive burn type injuries.

Every case is different and we always provide individual attention to our clients and the challenges that their claims bring.

Serious injuries can affect your life in relatively modest ways, but they can also be debilitating and affect your education, ability to work or motor functions.  The injury may also present itself more subtly affecting things like memory and even personality.  You may find that life at home has suffered for the worst and you are struggling with day to day activities that you used to take for granted.

All of these problems can be challenging to overcome and you need to make sure that you are helped by experienced experts who understand what you are going through.

When choosing who should help with your claim it is important that you obtain your advice from experienced solicitors. Your solicitors should understand the availability of locally sourced experts who will be able to support you in the months and years ahead.  You may need specialist help with rehabilitation, housing/home adaptions, benefits, transportation, or nursing care.  Whatever your needs, we are here to help and get you back on the road to recovery.

Free* legal advice. No win, no fee.

Call David Black or Joanna Martin NOW!

* The first interview is always free.